Date Pick

Under Construction This component is a work-in-progress.

Date Pick

Date Picks can be used to choose single dates or date ranges.

Current Status

  • Built around Radix UI's Accordion with a built-in input field to hold value.
  • Calendar styling using Tailwind CSS
  • Works as a controlled component when used within the Field component


  • More built-in layout options (vertical/horizontal)
  • Add warning messages if date range is potentially incorrect
  • Add animations
  • Improve responsive design for all common device sizes
  • Add darkmode support
  • Standardize color design token



How to use

Install date-fns library

npm install date-fns

Used for date formatting.

Install Radix UI's Accordion

npm install @radix-ui/react-accordion

Used to hide/show the calendar.

Create component

Copy the code from the sandbox above and paste it into a new file (e.g. DatePick.tsx)

Add child components

Date Pick needs: Calendar and Input

Make it controlled

Wrap with Field component to add control via React Hook Form:

  <Field.GroupLabel>Group label text here:</Field.GroupLabel>
    // Pass Date Pick here
    <Field name="exampleDatePick" defaultValue="">
      <Field.GroupLabel type="standard">Pick a date:</Field.GroupLabel>
      <Field.Tip>Between 1990 and 2030</Field.Tip>
        <DatePick startYearRange={1990} endYearRange={2030} />

Setup defaultValues and zodSchema in Form

Details in Form component.


Use date-fns's format() and startOfToday() to set the default value for consistent formatting.

const defaultValues = {
  exampleDatePick: format(startOfToday(), "MMM-dd-yyyy"),

Component API

Required PropTypeDescription
startYearRangeNumberSets earliest year in Date Pick's Calendar
endYearRangeNumberSets latest year in Date Pick's Calendar
Optional PropTypeDescription